
Our Energy Division, branded under the name Re:Sources is the youngest division within our company. Encompassing the strengths and experiences gained through our O&G activities, as the name itself suggests, Re:Sources focuses on Intelligent Management of Energy Sources and Renewable Energy Solutions.
Energy has never been more spoken of than nowadays, due to its lack depending on various factors.
What a better reason to create a sustainable working environment aiming to produce the most intelligent energy management solutions for industrial and residential customers, using the experience obtained in one of the most demanding industries in the world.
Our experience with renewables dates back to the very beginning of this century with the first industrial Photovoltaic Power Plants (PVPP) installed in 2001 deep in the Libyan desert. Several more have followed in the subsequent years and were mainly intended for power supply of CP grounded.
From 2020, we have expanded our focus to our home market in BiH and installed several PVPPs throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.
However, that only covers half of the story with PVPP’s being one of the instruments used for successful Energy Management – with the other half being more suggestive efficient usage of energy, increased security of energy supply as well as optimizing consumption and cost reduction.